domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014


1)By that time jenna had been going to the same church for over 15 years. 
para entonces Jenna habia estado llendo a la misma iglesia por mas de 15 años 

2)The US goverment had been waisting alot of time by then. 
el govierno de los estado unidos habia estado desperdiciando mucho en ese tiempo 

3)Steve had been waiting for over 3 hours when tommy arrived 
Steve habia estado esperando por mas de 3 horas cuando Tommy llego.

4)Tommy had been driving all night long 
Tommy habia estado manejando toda la noche. 

5)Joyce had been dreaming about being a famous writter back then 
Joyce habia estado soñando con ser una escritora famosa en ese entonces. 

6)He had been eating a lot of fast food that month 
El habia estado comiendo kucha comida rapida ese mes. 

7) Ingrid had been trying to explain it o the major for about an hour. 
Ingrid habia estad tratando de explicarselo al Mayor aproximadamente una hora 

8)Betty and Erick had been seeing each other everyother day for about three months by that time. 
Betty y Erick habian estado viendose mutuamente for casi 3 meses para ese tiempo 

9)I had been saying that four 15 minutes. 
yo habia estado diciendo eso por 15 minutos 

10) You had been being a lot of time there that night. 
tu habias estado ahi mucho tiempo esa noche. 

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